Yollies win even more awards!

21 Dec 2015

Some innovation projects are obvious winners from the outset, others require a bit more vision and commitment.

We loved working with the fabulous Kerry Dairies team on the Yollies project as they had all the vision and commitment we could possibly ask for!

What began life as a hard-to-imagine starter-idea of a yoghurt-on-a-stick progressed from initial consumer disbelief to a commercial success, via three rounds of consumer co-creation. The final quant-test saw the optimised concept and branded proposition score strongly to deliver a truly winning solution.

Whilst delivering strong sales performance is obviously the primary goal of every innovation initiative, it is always nice to win the approbation of your peers.  So it’s brilliant that Kerry’s Yollies have not only won the Marketing Institute of Ireland’s New Product of the Year award, but also one of the coveted Anuga Taste15 awards … and one of the UK Packaging Awards 2015

An amazing achievement for an idea that consumers just couldn’t imagine when we started!


Written by  David Goudge