Bringing Ideas To Life
You’ve a had a brainstorm – and you’ve got lots of fresh ideas …
Some are sensible, some are wild, others look downright crazy …
How are you going to decide which you are going to progress – and which you are going to park?
In our experience, too many potentially promising ideas get parked – because they look ‘hard’ – and never see the light of day again!
Prioritise Carefully
Obviously, you need to prioritise
So, how are you going to go about it?
Even when the insight team, brand-owners and R&D work closely together – and use their best judgement – too many potentially promising ideas can be easily overlooked!
Challenge Your Assumptions!
If you judge ideas based just on how they were written up in the workshop – you can miss smart ways of delivering the same benefit. So, you obviously need to consider – is there any other way we could do this!
If you judge ideas based on your assumptions about existing science or your existing capabilities, you could miss out on the possibilities of new technology. So, you obviously need to explore – are there any other options out there?
And if the don’t engage with your consumer – you could badly underestimate their appetites, willingness or pay, or their perceptions of how far your brands could stretch! So, it would obviously be worth talking to consumers to understand how far they are willing to go!
After all, the more options you have – the more chances you have of delivering a successful outcome!
#1 Incubation Workshop
Incubation workshops are a great way to ensure you’ve fully explored all the alternative ways of executing your ideas.
We’ll set up and moderate virtual incubator workshops for you – where your insight, brand and R&D teams can collaborate with our catalysts and external technical specialists like Idyl Consulting to fully-explore each idea and ensure you don’t miss out on smart alternative ways of executing them. Afterall, some may be much more viable than others!
#2: Feasibility Tech-Scouting
Tech-Scouting will ensure that your ideas don’t miss out on the possibilities of new technology…
R&D teams tend to be experts on the technology you already own, but find it harder to stay aware of all the potential new science, suppliers and open innovation collaborators. That’s why we’ve chosen to partner with Idyl Consulting – they’ll ensure you never miss out on the possibilities of new technology. Afterall, some may deliver real breakthroughs!
#3: Consumer Co-Creation
Consumer Concept Co-creation is a great way to work out which elements of your ideas are winners – and which features are less compelling!
Our experienced planners will collaborate with super-consumers in Online Co-Creations sessions to help identify which elements of your ideas are essential to success – and which are just adding complexity and cost. After all, it’s so much easier to successfully deliver a breakthrough innovation – when you know exactly what the consumer cares about and why!
#4: Concept Validation
Quantitative concept assessment can be a great way to identify which of your ideas has greatest potential for success.
Proven prioritisation tools like max-diff analysis allow our experienced quant-team to help you identify not just your most promising ideas – but also the elements that drive their success. After all, it’s much easier to focus your efforts – when you know what extra value every insight, benefit, attribute and RTB plays in your concept’s appeal.
Maximising Success!
if you rely on conventional prioritisation tools and techniques risk favouring ideas that can be delivered with current technology – and missing the opportunity to ‘change the game’ within your target category.
You risk leaving too many potentially promising ideas on the ‘too hard’ pile
Or even worse, you may set yourself an almost impossible challenge to deliver – when something so much simpler might have been possible …
Combining incubation, scouting, co-creation and quant validation – maximises your probability of building a highly differentiated innovation pipeline – but one that is still highly feasible!
Let us help you maximise your probability of success …