Craft Strong Ideas into Winning Concepts

You’ve a had a brainstorm – and you’ve got lots of fresh ideas …You could race into quantification, but we’d always recommend you fine tune and optimise their language and tone-of-voice before you do.Because in our experience, concepts that have been fine tuned and co-created with consumers – do much better in quant tests!

Virtual Consumer Concept Co-Creators

Consumer Concept Co-creation is a great way to work out which elements of your ideas are winners – and which features are less compelling!

Our experienced planners will work with super-consumers in Online Co-Creations sessions to help identify which elements of your ideas are essential to success – and which are just adding complexity and cost.After all, it’s so much easier to successfully deliver a breakthrough innovation – when you know exactly what the consumer cares about and why!


Respondents review your concepts and identify what feels relevant, what communicates well … and where improvements are needed.


Our super-consumers then deconstruct your concepts – and work together to optimise their elements and fine-tune communication.


Consumers then ‘pitch’ back the concepts optimised using their own language and preferred tone-of-voice.

Co-Creation Sprints

We’ve gained lots of experience of multi-national concept co-creation and optimisation over the years, but since lockdown we’ve perfected the art of executing co-creation sprints virtuallySo now, we can co-create your concepts in Germany in the morning, refine them in the UK in the afternoon – and perfect them in the USA on the evening of the same day.  Now that’s fast!

Maximising Success!

We’ve helped clients deliver some of the highest innovation concept scores they have ever achieved.

  • Delivering 7 winning NPD concepts out 15 concept screened
  • Delivering a 93% innovation concept viability score in a Bases SnapShot!

Discover how we can deliver equally impressive results for you …

Hopefully we’ve given you a taste of what’s possible – now, let’s explore how we can help you deliver …

If you’d like us to help you get in touch today, give us a call on +44 1491 411272, or connect with David or Joanna via LinkedIn

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