You Need Fresh, Relevant Innovation Ideas!
If you are a marketer seeking success in the current, challenging social and economic climate you need fresh, relevant ideas – and lots of them!
You need to innovate to keep your offering relevant in the face of fast-changing consumer expectations – and stay ahead of your competition.
But you also probably need to update and adapt your brand propositions and positioning – to maximise your relevance in the face of the rapidly-evolving economic climate.
Virtual Ideation Workshops
Creative, ideation brainstorms and workshops are at the core of how we deliver the fresh, relevant ideas that fuel innovation and brand renovation.
They’re an unbeatable forum for sharing new knowledge, activating insights, triggering conversations, stimulating connections and sparking fresh thinking…
But, we can’t see ourselves going back to face-to-face brainstorms or workshops any time soon…
Learning to Love Virtual
Just because we can’t physically take you and your team away from the distractions of your working day, doesn’t mean we can’t create a focused, inspiring, collaborative and empowering place to trigger your imagination.
We just do it online now!
Unlocking Innovation Online
With the right set-up, tech-platform and team, an online workshop can be every bit as productive, effective and engaging as a face-to-face workshop.
We’ll help you deliver team engagement, brainstorming and idea activation with a combination of carefully chosen online ‘whiteboard’ technology tools, stimulating thinking-exercises and the proven skills of our experienced facilitation team.
A flexible and intuitive platform for ideation is essential, but so is great preparation and pragmatism.Virtual workshops work best with fewer people and shorter, more intense bursts. We’ll help you to choose the right participants, prepare them and plan a series of 3-4hr ‘thinking modules’.
A willingness to be playful and take risks is critical to the creation of disruptive solutions.
We’ll help you execute powerful ice-breakers that will foster trust, stimulate conversation and encourage openness. It’s harder to get people to take risks online – but it can be done!
Without fresh, provocative stimulus it’s hard to visualise a different paradigm.
Our fluid ‘whiteboard’ structure can seamlessly integrate guest experts, web-tours, youtube videos, even PowerPoint decks. Anything to get the creative juices flowing.
A diverse, stimulated and well-moderated workshop team will rapidly generate lots of fresh, creative starter ideas – but they need the right tools to capture them.
PostIts are a fast, flexible way of capturing masses of ideas face to face – and can be just as effective online.
However strong the starter ideas your workshop team generates, they can almost always be stretched, expanded and evolved.
Mind-mapping’s a great way to force a team to think ‘wide’. Online, it’s even more powerful.
Just because we’re not allowed to meet – doesn’t mean small teams can’t huddle in a virtual breakout-room (wherever they are in the world).
Small-team breakout sessions can still happen using Zoom-Rooms or Teams + visual collaboration tools.
Proven face-to-face workshop tools can easily be applied online to stretch and disrupt thinking.Creative mind-stretch tools like SCAMPER gain a fresh power when they’re used in breakout sessions online.
Remote teams can still build ideas into compelling concepts and competitively ‘pitch’ them to their peers.
Integrated voting and feedback tools make concept evaluations simple and effective.
Templates make it easy to harness team commitment and build concepts into innovation pipelines.Mapping and prioritisation of outputs is quick and simple with online commenting and interactivity tools.
Fast, Flexible, Productive & Cost Effective
Virtual Ideation Workshops allow us to bring the best brains in your team together with external experts and creative catalysts to tackle challenges as diverse as new product pipeline building, value proposition building and brand essence renovation.
Best of all they are quick to set-up, can rapidly adapt to changing circumstances, produce masses of output – and can save a fortune on flights, accommodation, hotels and subsistence!
Solutions Tailored To Your Needs
Ideation Incubation
Harnessing the power of team brainpower to solve business challenges, unlock opportunties and build banks of starter ideas.
Concept Co-Creation
Combining Virtual Ideation Workshops with the power of Online Consumer Groups to generate ideas, build concepts and incubate them with consumers.
Innovating Your New Core Business
You need to act fast to maximise the relevance of your brand’s offerings, propositions and positioning in the face of the rapidly-evolving, Post CV-19 economic climate.
Virtual Ideation Workshops are the tool you need to keep your brand’s offering relevant in the face of fast-changing consumer expectations – and stay ahead of your competition.Hopefully we’ve given you a taste of what’s possible – now, let’s explore how we can help you deliver the ideas you need …
If you’d like us to help you unlock the power of insights get in touch today, give us a call on +44 1491 411272, or connect with David or Joanna via LinkedIn